Back when other people used to work in the Brown House, I used to run on home from work so that I could participate in what we affectionately deemed “the buoy swim,” which is basically us swimming from the dock to the no wake zone marker—which is longer than one would think, but not long enough in this heat (if you ask me.) Today I re-instated said swim. Not everyone was up for the lengthy jaunt but, by the end of August, they will be—even if I have to have 2 or 3 buoy swims a day (first thing in the morning, lunch time and the 5 pm official swim of course.) I of course jumped ahead at the last minute and pretended it was a race, which I won—but honestly I think Ethan should have anticipated such an event.
Remember how I was boasting about the mild weather that Seattle has? Riiiight it is HAWT out here, and I just yelled at Zach and Tim for being outside swimming and having fun instead of sitting in front of a computer monitor. Seriously. Ask them.
And the reason I am cranky when it’s this lovely out is b/c I spent 20 hours shooting a “How to Play” video and then got up this morning to catch up on what I missed. The highlight of the day was when Shana, the lovely angel of caffeine that she is, delivered us another round of Starbucks—because it definitely wasn’t when I had to shave a strangers neck and back hair. (TRUE STORY)
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